
Below you find a sample of videos from Antoni where he talks about communication and motivation.


Communication hacks webinar

Strategic culture in five minutes

Why employee engagement is so important

Voices from happy customers after keynotes.

Influence, charisma, and 3 communication superpowers – full keynote

From Red Light to Green Light. How to lead through change

Speaking and communicating podcast – How to engage end motivate your employees

Nordic Business Forum Contest 2023 12 minues

The hidden reasons behind employee engagement

Mini-keynote. The science of charisma

Keynote at HR-days in Croatia, September 2022

Honored to be a guest on Benjamin DelGrosso’s podcast, here on Youtube:

Focus On Customer Experience

This one is for you who want to get tools on how to peak perform. Enjoy ^_^

Virtual keynote: How to set goals and boost motivation

A short clip from a recent virtual keynote around goal setting and motivational boosters.

How to separate goals from… something else

I was in Johannesburg at a lovely conference arranged by Unique speaker bureau International. My topic for the day was employee engagement and how we communicate in the workplace. It’s just over 30 minutes. Enjoy ^_^

Keynote on employee engagement in Johannesburg in July 2022

Full keynote from Estonia – on Communication, Engagement and Collaboration in an innovative environment

Aftermovie with testimonials from Estonia MELT conference

Don’t focus on features when you sell. But don’t focus on benefits either…

Communication tips: What’s the difference between hearing and listening? Antoni Lacinai, keynote speaker

Why building a great culture in your hybrid team is smart. Antoni Lacinai, keynote speaker, on Hybrid leadership

Keep it simple – not stupid. Antoni Lacinai, keynote speaker, on Workplace communication

Watch out for internal trash talk. Keynote speaker Antoni Lacinai on employee engagement

Us vs Them: Keynote speaker Antoni Lacinai on employee engagement

Antoni Lacinai: 5 motivational boosters when you work from home

TEDx keynote from Antoni Lacinai. 6 communication truths that everyone should know

Virtual Keynote from Antoni Lacinai on Courage

5 communication keys for any customer meeting – full keynote from Antoni Lacinai in Lithuania

The 3 superpowers of Communication

Employee engagement. Us vs them

Employee engagement: It’s not the place, it’s the people

Leadership: E = E x E. The best leadership formula ever

Workplace communication: Activate your listening skills

Antoni Lacinai – Speaker