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Self-assessment of your team’s motivational mindset,

The next 14 questions will give you an indication of the real reason for your team's engagement, based on your motivational mindset. Answer with honesty and chose the answers that you believe are the most common for your team. Remember to answer on a group/team/department/organizational level and not on an individual level. Best regards Antoni Lacinai The Workplace Communication Expert
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How would you characterize the leadership culture in the organization?
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Confusing. Ad hoc. No clear roles or goals
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsStable but lacking a bold vision. Minimizing risk-taking
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What is the feedback culture like, in general?
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Lot of praise. Specific task-oriented feedback. Compassionate.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsBlame and attack on peoples’ characters.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsStressed and not well thought through.
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Do your team members share knowledge with each other?
Have you thought about the price?
Not often
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What kind of goals does your team/organization have?
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Unrealistic paired with micromanagement
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsUnambitious. "same as last year"
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Good but only if they don't jeopardize the status quo.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsConfused. Unsure. "Is that a goal or a strategy? Or wishful thinking?"
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsScared. Tired. Irritated.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsVery good. Attractive company goals with team & individual goals within your control is what helps us perform
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What kind of meetings do you mostly have?
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Creative, strategic, goal-oriented meetings
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsEfficient but not so engaging
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsLots of boring information meetings with too many confusing PowerPoints
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned Tags“Who’s fault, is it?” -meetings
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What is your impression of how the team is feeling overall?
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Confused and Frustrated
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsToxic with conflicts
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsInspiring and engaged
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Are you in conflict with each other or with other teams?
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsSeldom, it ruins the atmosphere
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsNever, but we can still respectfully disagree
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What kind of environment do you have?
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Toxic. Bullying, ridiculing, interrupting colleagues, fight for power etc.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsAwesome! Highly engaged, value driven and high team spirit. Respect and compassion.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsDissatisfied. Random efforts but no real progress. Us vs them.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsPretty good. Satisfied people who enjoy or tolerate the company and each other.
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What would be a typical saying among people?
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“It’s not worth the effort/risk”
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned Tags“It’s not my fault”
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned Tags“It’s not my responsibility”
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned Tags“It’s not impossible!”
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How is your team’s overall performance?
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World class. Errors down. Productivity up. Growth up.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsVery bad. Errors up. Productivity down. People leave. Very few apply for jobs.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsAverage. The needle isn’t moving. Predictable results
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsUp and down = uneven. Minimum or random efforts from staff. No alignment
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What results do you expect as an organization?
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We're going down
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What do you think is the main driver in the team?
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Most people feel angry, scared, or threatened and want to leave
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsThey want to go toward something better, but they don’t know how
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsThey are content with what they have and want to protect status quo
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsThey strive for constant improvement, growth, and development
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Your team’s motivational mindset is to run FROM
Environment: Conflict.
Your team’s behavior: Attack & Escape.
Leadership: Toxic.
Engagement: Very low.
Your team’s behavior: Attack & Escape.
Leadership: Toxic.
Engagement: Very low.
Bullying is common as is trash-talk, back-stabbing, and sabotage. Productivity is down, customer satisfaction is down. Errors, accidents, and absences are up. There is a strong US vs THEM feeling which hinders true collaboration. Trust is non-existent. People will leave or be burned out. Customers will leave. You are basically in the worst shape you can be as a team.
What can you do as a leader?
Listen, listen, listen. Use the communicative superpower: EMPATHY. Put an immediate zero tolerance for bullying and ridiculing people. Praise team members when they do good. Agree on what good communication is and how you all should meet, greet, and treat each other. Praise team members when they do right.
Be patient. If a few people keep acting as saboteurs, get them away from your team.
People need to feel that they are not threatened before they can do anything else.
Listen, listen, listen. Use the communicative superpower: EMPATHY. Put an immediate zero tolerance for bullying and ridiculing people. Praise team members when they do good. Agree on what good communication is and how you all should meet, greet, and treat each other. Praise team members when they do right.
Be patient. If a few people keep acting as saboteurs, get them away from your team.
People need to feel that they are not threatened before they can do anything else.
What can you do as a team member?
If it is too bad, change department or company as soon as possible. If you still want to improve the situation then try to meta-communicate. For instance, call out bad behavior e.g. “I notice that you interrupt me whenever I want to speak. It makes me feel uncertain.” Or “I feel really bad when you trash-talk absent colleagues like that.” Praise good behavior e.g. “When you started the meeting with music, I got positive energy.” or “Thank you so much for supporting me. I was so stressed, and you really helped. Thank you.” Be kind to people.
If it is too bad, change department or company as soon as possible. If you still want to improve the situation then try to meta-communicate. For instance, call out bad behavior e.g. “I notice that you interrupt me whenever I want to speak. It makes me feel uncertain.” Or “I feel really bad when you trash-talk absent colleagues like that.” Praise good behavior e.g. “When you started the meeting with music, I got positive energy.” or “Thank you so much for supporting me. I was so stressed, and you really helped. Thank you.” Be kind to people.
I have coached leaders and teams for more than 15 years and I have noticed frustration from so many, that the engagement level is too low and that they don’t have the influence they want. Therefore, I have developed a unique blueprint specifically for conscious leaders and teams that are fed up with not making a true impact. It is based on years of research on human communication and psychology, turning you into world-class communicators. This facilitates high engagement, peak performance, and more fun at work.
If you are ready to improve and elevate your team or organization, then book a free meeting with me via where we can discuss your specific goals.
Your team’s motivation is to try to go TOWARD
Environment: Confusing.
Your team’s behavior: Stumble & Fumble
Leadership: Ad hoc.
Engagement: Frustrating. Up and down
Your team’s behavior: Stumble & Fumble
Leadership: Ad hoc.
Engagement: Frustrating. Up and down
You reorganize the company, but it doesn’t solve the problem. Frustration is high. Meetings are confusing. You lack clear communication when it comes to goals, roles, mandates, etc. Ambitious people will get tired and leave if things won’t improve. The will is right, but the execution is wrong. Customers may feel neglected and leave.
What can you do as a leader?
Use the communicative superpower: Clarity. Help people by clarifying your team’s goals, roles, and mandates, also on an individual level, and how they fit with the overall goals of the organization. Agree on common values and behavior. Identify obstacles together and agree on how to tackle them. Involve people. Train people in how to lead meetings, give presentations and teach them self-leadership.
Use the communicative superpower: Clarity. Help people by clarifying your team’s goals, roles, and mandates, also on an individual level, and how they fit with the overall goals of the organization. Agree on common values and behavior. Identify obstacles together and agree on how to tackle them. Involve people. Train people in how to lead meetings, give presentations and teach them self-leadership.
What can you do as a team member?
Bring clarity to everything you do. Ask for clarification. If you don’t get it, then say so. “I still don’t understand. What is it that you really mean? If goals are fuzzy then ask: “How do we know that we have reached the goal?” When you run meetings, make sure you have clear goals and a clear purpose. Don’t wait for mandates that never come. Act with kindness. Be nice.
Bring clarity to everything you do. Ask for clarification. If you don’t get it, then say so. “I still don’t understand. What is it that you really mean? If goals are fuzzy then ask: “How do we know that we have reached the goal?” When you run meetings, make sure you have clear goals and a clear purpose. Don’t wait for mandates that never come. Act with kindness. Be nice.
I have coached leaders and teams for more than 16 years and I have noticed frustration from so many, that the engagement level is too low and that they don’t have the influence they want. Therefore, I have developed a unique blueprint specifically for conscious leaders and teams that are fed up with not making a true impact. It is based on years of research on human communication and psychology, turning you into world-class communicators. This facilitates high engagement, peak performance, and more fun at work.
If you are ready to improve and elevate your team or organization, then book a free meeting with me via where we can discuss your specific goals.
Your team’s motivation is to PROTECT STATUS QUO
Environment: Contentment.
Your team’s behavior: Protect and Defend
Leadership: “Don’t rock the boat”.
Engagement: good.
Your team’s behavior: Protect and Defend
Leadership: “Don’t rock the boat”.
Engagement: good.
You are in a good place - on the surface. Satisfaction is ok and people get along. You have ironed out job descriptions. Your meetings are perhaps not amazing but tolerable. Leadership is stable. From the outside, everything looks good. Your team’s motivation and focus are the real problems since they will create stagnation. Governance is more important than development. You lack the courage to aim high and focus more on risk avoidance. Customer satisfaction is ok unless they want a cutting-edge vendor with visions.
What can you do as a leader?
Increase the communicative superpower: Energy. Set courageous, meaningful goals and involve people in how to get there. Remind people of your vision, mission, and purpose. Involve them in creative and strategic workshops on how to get there and give mandates for people to improve both themselves and processes. Keep developing the team, the knowledge, and the competence.
Increase the communicative superpower: Energy. Set courageous, meaningful goals and involve people in how to get there. Remind people of your vision, mission, and purpose. Involve them in creative and strategic workshops on how to get there and give mandates for people to improve both themselves and processes. Keep developing the team, the knowledge, and the competence.
What can you do as a team member?
Use the collective intelligence of the group and analyze your present situation and where you want to be. Run creative workshops. Model the best ones in your business. Present scenarios to your boss and your colleagues that they want to avoid and other possible destinations that are very attractive. Make them believe that you can do better. Don’t be inactive but rather act now and apologize afterward if needed.
Take small incremental steps and keep going even if you sometimes fail.
Use the collective intelligence of the group and analyze your present situation and where you want to be. Run creative workshops. Model the best ones in your business. Present scenarios to your boss and your colleagues that they want to avoid and other possible destinations that are very attractive. Make them believe that you can do better. Don’t be inactive but rather act now and apologize afterward if needed.
Take small incremental steps and keep going even if you sometimes fail.
I have coached leaders and teams for more than 16 years and I have noticed frustration from so many, that the engagement level is too low and that they don’t have the influence they want. Therefore, I have developed a unique blueprint specifically for conscious leaders and teams that are fed up with not making a true impact. It is based on years of research on human communication and psychology, turning you into world-class communicators. This facilitates high engagement, peak performance, and more fun at work.
If you are ready to improve and elevate your team or organization, then book a free meeting with me via where we can discuss your specific goals.
Your team’s motivational mindset is SUSTAINABLE GROWTH
Environment: Commitment. World-class!
Your team’s behavior: Ignite & Inspire sustainable growth
Leadership: Open. Based on vision, values, goals, and trust.
Engagement: High.
Your team’s behavior: Ignite & Inspire sustainable growth
Leadership: Open. Based on vision, values, goals, and trust.
Engagement: High.
Trust is high, as are motivation and collaboration. You have your roles, but you will still roll up your sleeves and help each other and your customers even if it isn’t in your job description. You share knowledge freely. You have no conflicts but are safe to express disagreement without the risk of being punished. Meetings are engaging. Productivity is high. Perseverance is high. Customer satisfaction is high. Errors, accidents, and absence are down. Congratulations. You are in the top 5 % of all teams.
What can you do as a leader?
Do what you do, it obviously works. Keep developing people. Foster a sustainable growth mindset, not only financially, but also mentally. Make sure your team members find time to breathe, pause, and recoup. Remind yourself of your purpose and always foster an environment that is psychologically safe. Set up a weekly meeting, only talking about what went well and what you are grateful for. Keep being open and share knowledge. Care for your people, your customers, and for the planet.
Do what you do, it obviously works. Keep developing people. Foster a sustainable growth mindset, not only financially, but also mentally. Make sure your team members find time to breathe, pause, and recoup. Remind yourself of your purpose and always foster an environment that is psychologically safe. Set up a weekly meeting, only talking about what went well and what you are grateful for. Keep being open and share knowledge. Care for your people, your customers, and for the planet.
What can you do as a team member?
Keep developing yourself and share your insights. Keep caring for your colleagues and customers. Keep bringing ideas on how to improve. Be on guard for a too laidback, or superior attitude. Keep communicating and praising each other. Celebrate when things go great. Set meaningful, ambitious goals, and then set subgoals within your control. Prepare – act – evaluate – refine.
Keep developing yourself and share your insights. Keep caring for your colleagues and customers. Keep bringing ideas on how to improve. Be on guard for a too laidback, or superior attitude. Keep communicating and praising each other. Celebrate when things go great. Set meaningful, ambitious goals, and then set subgoals within your control. Prepare – act – evaluate – refine.
I have coached leaders and teams for more than 16 years and I have noticed frustration from so many, that the engagement level is too low and that they don’t have the influence they want. Therefore, I have developed a unique blueprint specifically for conscious leaders and teams that are fed up with not making a true impact. It is based on years of research on human communication and psychology, turning you into world-class communicators. This facilitates high engagement, peak performance, and more fun at work.
If you are ready to improve and elevate your team or organization, then book a free meeting with me via where we can discuss your specific goals.