What do 150 managers say about challenges with virtual leadership?

The last few weeks I have asked some 150-200 managers on different levels about how they feel about virtual leadership in general, and their own e-leadership in particular. This is of course more relevant than ever, when we have gone from just a few per cent homeworkers to around 30% due to lockdowns and restrictions in the pandemic context.

I asked these leaders one simple open question:

  • What are the challenges with virtual leadership?

When I analysed the results together with Mia Liljeberg, colleague and expert in cultural change and resilience, we found five main challenges that these managers expressed in various ways:

  1. Disengagement. Many managers worry that they don’t know how their staff are doing and how they can support them, when they don’t meet them face to face.
  2. Less control. Quite a few managers expressed a lack of control when they don’t now what the people are doing when they work remotely.

…read the rest of the article where you’ll get more challenges and seven hacks that will elevate your virtual leadership skills, in my LinkedIn post

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