If not On-site, then Online

In Corona times, some organizers give up and cancel their events, but many are quickly adjusting and do online conferences and webinars instead. This is a good thing. We still need to learn, to share ideas and insights and to develop ourselves and our businesses. In these cases, something is way better than nothing. 

The digital transformation is ramping up. So what can you do if you want your people to be inspired and learn? Here are three roles you can use in the virtual space as well:

  • The teacher. Doing online training (not e-learning. That’s off-line) is absolutely viable as long as you transfer knowledge. I myself have  clients who take this moment to learn more about presentation skills. We go through the why and the what of storytelling, dispositions, memory hooks and preparations. We use breakout sessions and chat functions to create interactivity. What I can’t do is to properly train them since we’re all sittning down in front of computers.
  • The preacher. Bringing in a keynote speaker who knows how to act in front of a camera, either by their desk or in a studio will actually be surprisingly good. In my case I use the same tools I described above, with breakout sessions, chat functions and Q&As. This way the audience can feel even more involved in the session, especially for the smaller crowd to up to a hundred people or so.
  • The moderator. This is an areas that I have noticed, being somewhat neglected in the virtual space, but I would argue that it is at least as important as in a physical setting. In my case, I help the speakers as I always do, setting the atmosphere, keeping track of time, introducing speakers, asking questions to one or many. You wouldn’t run a debate program on TV and forget the program leader, so why is this any different?

If you ask me I would rather do an on-site och off-site keynote where we are in the same room. The communication is richer, the possibility to have social interactions in the breaks are much better. It is like watching a band live or on TV. The difference is huge. But sometimes you have to for Good enough, which is the best you can do with the resources you have.

If you want an online keynote speaker, moderator or a training program, then get in touch and we’ll figure out how I can support you

//Antoni Lacinai

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