Getting praise, do you like it?

Team Antoni Explains

Getting praise do you like it?

In my profession, you just got to get used to being judged, and fortunately for me, I do get a lot of praise. But am not very good at receiving feedback. If I get criticized, I believe that I am worth less. If I get praise, I shrug it off.

But then I got this feedback when I worked with a group of leaders from the Americas the other day.

I cannot remember getting better feedback than this. Ever.

I am grateful. What an amazing job I have!

Take care friends

Receiving praise is an essential part of personal and professional growth. However, for many people, accepting praise can be difficult, and they may not enjoy it. As someone who works in a profession that requires being judged, We understand this dilemma. We have found that if anyone get criticized, They feel like I am worth less.

We will discuss why some people struggle with receiving praise and how accepting praise can help us grow personally and professionally.

Why some people struggle with receiving praise

Many people struggle with accepting praise because they fear it will make them complacent. They believe that if they accept praise, they will become satisfied with their current level of performance and stop striving to improve. They also may feel discomfort with attention and recognition, believing that accepting praise is boastful or arrogant.

The benefits of accepting and embracing praise

Despite these concerns, accepting praise can have significant benefits. When we accept praise, it can boost our self-esteem and confidence, and we feel more motivated to achieve our goals. Additionally, embracing praise strengthens our relationships with others and increases our productivity. By accepting praise, we show appreciation for our hard work and the work of those around us.

Tips for accepting praise graciously

Accepting praise can be challenging, but there are ways to make it easier. One of the most important things we can do is to say “thank you.” When someone praises us, we should acknowledge their words and show gratitude for their feedback. We can also use this opportunity to acknowledge the effort of others who contributed to our success. Sharing the credit can make it easier to accept praise and show our appreciation for the support we receive. Finally, we can internalize the feedback we receive, allowing it to motivate us to continue striving for excellence.

The importance of giving and receiving feedback

While it is important to accept praise, it is equally important to receive and give constructive criticism. Receiving feedback, both positive and negative, is an essential part of personal and professional growth. It allows us to identify our strengths and weaknesses and gives us the opportunity to improve. When we give feedback, we should strive to balance praise and criticism, offering constructive feedback that is both encouraging and helpful. By giving and receiving feedback, we can create an environment of growth and development.

Conclusion – Getting praise do you like it?

Accepting praise can be difficult, but it is an essential part of personal and professional growth. By embracing praise, we can boost our self-esteem and motivation, strengthen our relationships with others, and increase our productivity. It is important to remember to balance praise and criticism, both when giving and receiving feedback, to create an environment of growth and development. So the next time you receive praise, remember to say “thank you” and embrace the positive feedback.

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